Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm back!

Finally, after months of slugging my way through college, I have finished and earned my Bachelor's Degree. I'm finally ready to suffer in the real world! Hurrah!

But in all seriousness, I'm glad to be finished with college (I really do not wish to go for any Master's Degree), so now I can focus on doing what I love for awhile. I'll uploading more blog posts from time to time, and will be doing news recaps and articles for OnRPG once more, and starting today! I have my news recap for OnRPG up and ready to go, and my impressions article on Warface's closed beta.

Meanwhile, I'll be looking for second job to help pay the bills and my ridiculous college loans, and soon I play to take some time to learn Korean, as I wish to help OnRPG with foreign gaming news. I see sites like Steparu and MMOCulture making so much traffic on these kinds of articles and I figured it would be awesome to bring it to a more open audience.

That's pretty much it for now. I'm happy to be back. Oh, and I'm closing in on 100,000 hits!


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