At long last, MAIET Entertainment is finally giving the English speaking world a taste of their long-awaited TPS title: GunZ: The Second Duel (GunZ TSD). "ProSiebenSat.1 Games", the same publishers that host Alaplaya, has recently launched their second closed beta test back in Novemeber, and this time with very little signs of IP blockage. While I could have waited for the upcoming Steam version that’s set to be released this December, I rushed for the nearest beta key I could get and hopped in, because as some of you know, I’m a complete and total GunZ fanatic.
For those that have been living under a rock: GunZ: The Second Duel, sequel to the original GunZ: The Duel, is a third-person shooter that’s all about doing things with style. While it may look like just your average third-person shooter, GunZ TSD throws in a bunch of its own unique mechanics that will make you feel like acrobatic action hero, such as being able to climb and run along walls, knock enemies into the air and then gun ‘em down all Devil May Cry-style, and plenty of other neat tricks that come straight out of a Hollywood popcorn flick.
One of the biggest changes to GunZ: The Second Duel compared to its predecessor, however, is the removal of K-Style: A popular playstyle that significantly changed the overall flow of gameplay by allowing players to jump, dash, block and shoot all at the same time. While this made the gameplay a lot more intense and exciting, it also brought weapon imbalance, made latency issues more apparent and even brought about health concerns from prolonged performance of K-style techniques, such as Carpal Tunnel.
MAIET thought long and hard about wanting to bring K-style back for the release of GunZ TSD, as shown in the game’s alpha footage: Players were able to perform moves including shotslashes (rather than slashshots), light steps and more. But in the end, MAIET came to the conclusion that it was too much of a hassle to bring it all back if they were going to achieve a more balanced shooting game.
So now, GunZ TSD lives on as a game that’s (literally) sticking to its guns to provide a TPS experience that’s fast and accessible to all gamers, but will it be fast enough for hardcore fans of the original?
Monday, November 25, 2013
Tekken Revolution - Review
Look at this! I'm reviewing another console game for a change! But anyway...
F2P gaming has always held close ties to PC gaming. Ever since its early iterations that started way back in the early 90s, F2P gaming has exploded and is now considered to be one of the most preferred ways of monetizing an online game.
Now the F2P market is starting to expand over to the console gaming market, and with Namco Bandai being one of the first to take advantage of this untapped territory by creating a F2P version of one of their flagship title: Tekken.
Tekken Revolution marks the first game in the franchise to be made into a F2P title, and promises to stay as deep and complex as its predecessors while being more accessible to new players. However, it seems that they skimped too much on the “free” aspect of F2P, and instead provided a game that feels more like a glorified demo of their previous Tekken titles.
F2P gaming has always held close ties to PC gaming. Ever since its early iterations that started way back in the early 90s, F2P gaming has exploded and is now considered to be one of the most preferred ways of monetizing an online game.
Now the F2P market is starting to expand over to the console gaming market, and with Namco Bandai being one of the first to take advantage of this untapped territory by creating a F2P version of one of their flagship title: Tekken.
Tekken Revolution marks the first game in the franchise to be made into a F2P title, and promises to stay as deep and complex as its predecessors while being more accessible to new players. However, it seems that they skimped too much on the “free” aspect of F2P, and instead provided a game that feels more like a glorified demo of their previous Tekken titles.
Namco Bandai,
Tekken: Revolution
Saturday, October 19, 2013
NYCC 2013 - Wildstar Interview w/ David Bass
So as last bit of NYCC 2013 action was an interview with the community team for Carbine Studios last Friday. I got to have full-on interview with David "Scooter" Bass to talk about Wildstar. Most of the questions were gathered by forum members of the OnRPG community, as well. (Thanks for your questions, guys!)
Oh, and don't mind the little bits of me being awkward. I was kinda anxious to play Wildstar myself!
Oh, and don't mind the little bits of me being awkward. I was kinda anxious to play Wildstar myself!
Carbine Studios,
NY Comic Con 2013,
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
NYCC 2013 - Day 4
So the final day of NYCC arrived, and all the fun and joy of the event was already winding down by the time we had arrived this morning. There were still plenty of cosplayers around, showing off their awesome and not –so-awesome costumes.
The ones that really caught my attention were definitely these:
The ones that really caught my attention were definitely these:
NY Comic Con 2013
NYCC 2013 - Day 3
Day 3 of NYCC has cometh, and the participation levels were at a high pitch. Today, the convention center was PACKED with guests and cosplayers from all over. It was quite a sight, as the more serious cosplayers came to play.
One old favorite that I recognized from last year’s NYCC includes the Scorpion cosplayer from Mortal Kombat.
One old favorite that I recognized from last year’s NYCC includes the Scorpion cosplayer from Mortal Kombat.
(Same picture from last year, but his look is just the same and just as awesome for this year.)
NY Comic Con 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
NYCC 2013 - Day 2
The morning of Comic-Con Day 2 has arrived, and tons of
people were lined up and waiting at the entrance of the Javits center, ready to
get in and nerd themselves out.
However, unlike last year, the huge line was able to be
dissolved in less than 10 minutes rather than an either hour like last year. The whole process of entering the convention
center has been streamlined with new RFIDs on top of each and everyone’s
ticket. Each ticket owner simply has to tap their tickets with one of the NYCC
event staff when entering the convention center and tap again when exiting. This
little system is also used to prevent fraud as well as cut out the yearly
ticket scalpers from selling off their tickets for cheap.
Yeah, it works just
like that...
NY Comic Con 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
NYCC 2013 - Day 1
The greatest four days of the year have finally arrived! Me
and my brother have returned to the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City for
NYCC 2013 and this year, things are
starting off even smoother than ever. It was a cloudy New York day as we first
arrived at the Javits Center and the place was looking even larger than I
remembered it from last year.
NY Comic Con 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Just an update - 10/7
Hello again, random passers! Things have really been tied up for me over the past few weeks, mainly because me and my brother are getting ready for the New York Comic-Con this year.
The whole process of signing up has been streamlined compared to last year. There was SO much paperwork that needed to be filled out before, but this year, participants only needed to fill out a single online entry form which was only a page and a half long. All passes got mailed near the end of last month, so no more having to deal with long waiting lines one the first day!
Like last year, me and my brother are going to be posting day-by-day recaps of our convention experience, along with a few interviews and hands-on previews with any and all MMO or F2P titles that are being exbhited. While we haven't been set up with many interviews compared to last year, there is one in particular that will make the whole event worth it: I'll be meeting up with Carbine Studios (developers behind WildStar) this year, as they'll be showcasing Wildstar to the public, along with having playable access to the Mordesh and Chau races.
I'll be asking them a few questions about the current state of the game, but also decided to ask people on the OnRPG boards if they have any questions they would like me to ask them. You can check out my thread here and post a comment on any questions about the game.
And that's about it for now. Sure looks like this year's NY Comic-Con will be bigger than the last.
The whole process of signing up has been streamlined compared to last year. There was SO much paperwork that needed to be filled out before, but this year, participants only needed to fill out a single online entry form which was only a page and a half long. All passes got mailed near the end of last month, so no more having to deal with long waiting lines one the first day!
Like last year, me and my brother are going to be posting day-by-day recaps of our convention experience, along with a few interviews and hands-on previews with any and all MMO or F2P titles that are being exbhited. While we haven't been set up with many interviews compared to last year, there is one in particular that will make the whole event worth it: I'll be meeting up with Carbine Studios (developers behind WildStar) this year, as they'll be showcasing Wildstar to the public, along with having playable access to the Mordesh and Chau races.
I'll be asking them a few questions about the current state of the game, but also decided to ask people on the OnRPG boards if they have any questions they would like me to ask them. You can check out my thread here and post a comment on any questions about the game.
And that's about it for now. Sure looks like this year's NY Comic-Con will be bigger than the last.
NY Comic Con 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Seal Online: Blade of Destiny - Review
Seal Online. The name of this MMORPG means a lot to me, as I've had many fond memories playing this on my under-powered Pentium Celeron PC during my younger years. For its time, it was a game that paved the way for many different possibilities in MMORPGs. Since the game’s initial English release in 2007, the game has had a re-launch called Seal Online: Eternal Destiny, which featured a new monster survival mode and a new hunter class. They also decided that it would be a good idea to wipe the ENTIRE player database clean for this re-launch, which I’m sure a lot of veteran players were not happy about.
Now in 2013, the game has had a second re-launch called Seal Online: Blades of Destiny, which retains all the features from the previous Seal Online while throwing in a new Black Dragon Raid and Battle Pets. It doesn't sound like much that would make new and old veterans interested in playing, and to be perfectly honest: It really isn't. This is because Seal Online is a game that has been past its prime for years now. Just about everything in Seal Online has been done in other MMORPGs and has been done better.
Now in 2013, the game has had a second re-launch called Seal Online: Blades of Destiny, which retains all the features from the previous Seal Online while throwing in a new Black Dragon Raid and Battle Pets. It doesn't sound like much that would make new and old veterans interested in playing, and to be perfectly honest: It really isn't. This is because Seal Online is a game that has been past its prime for years now. Just about everything in Seal Online has been done in other MMORPGs and has been done better.
Seal Online,
YNK Interactive
Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep - Preview
The Lord of the Rings universe is about to go in deep… Helm’s deep, that is. The newest expansion for LOTRO is planned to be release very soon, with many new features and additions, including new landscapes across Western Rohan, a new level cap of 95, new skills, class specs, and of course, the battle for Helm’s Deep which is centered around a huge conflict straight from the Lord of the Rings novels and movies.
To give players a glimpse into the future expansion, staff from Turbine studios invited members of the press to show off a preview of the game during its early alpha stages, and when I mean early, I mean REALLY early, as many of the new areas were still being worked on.
To give players a glimpse into the future expansion, staff from Turbine studios invited members of the press to show off a preview of the game during its early alpha stages, and when I mean early, I mean REALLY early, as many of the new areas were still being worked on.
Lord of the Rings Online,
Turbine Studios
HeroesGo - Review

After some re-structuring, ESTGames decided to give Howling Sword another shot for US and EU territories, but with a new name: HeroesGo. However, with so many MORPGs already offering similar gameplay, visuals and features, does HeroesGo deserve a second chance?
Action MMO,
GoD Factory: Wingmen - First Look
Slowly emerging from the dark depths of the galaxy, the space combat genre is slowly making a comeback, and a new indie development group named Nine Dots Canada is looking to create a revolutionary space combat game for the modern age, and they call it “GoD Factory: Wingmen”: a 4 vs 4 competitive space combat game in which the goal is to destroy the enemy's carrier ship while defending your own. Through the power of the Unity engine, the game features ships from four difference races, fast paced action and hardcore gameplay that are solely made for fans of the genre.
GoD Factory: Wingmen,
PC Flight Sim
Favorite game - Aces Wild
This game. This freaking game. It's only been a whole day since I first got this game, but it's quite easily the best beat 'em up I've played in a long while, second only to Dragon's Crown on the PS3.
I saw this game being posted on a certain message board the other day, and decided to watch the release trailer for it. I was instantly blown away by how crazy it looked, and so I decided to give the demo version a try.
After one small session with the game's demo, I instantly fell in love with it and bought a copy. Aces Wild is the result of what happens when you mix Dragonball Z, Battletoads and any bullet-hell Shump you can think of. The gameplay is easy to learn, hard to master, is fast-paced as hell and will make your hands screams in agony, but you'll enjoy every second of it. Unlike most beat 'em ups, Aces Wild is more vertical and has a very free-form battle system where you can dash all over the screen, knock and juggle enemies into the air, perform two different kinds of counter attacks to negate all sorts of damage and other gameplay elements that make the game highly unique and entertaining. It also has a risk vs. reward system where defeating enemies while taking minimal hits will increase your damage rank and score multiplier, but as your rank increases, so the the amount of damage you take from enemies but you also take more damage, so you need to stay on your toes whenever you're playing well.
In the later levels, the game really gets intense when you have to pay close attention to your positioning on the screen, as enemies will spring traps and limit your area of movement. Not to mention that enemies can also perform the same moves that you as a player are capable of, including counters, dodges and dashes. This game will have no problem handing your ass back to you on a silver platter and you may get frustrated a bit, but it's a great feeling when you really start to pick up on enemy attack patterns and nail that final blow on an enemy which sends them flying halfway across the planet.
If you're a fan of Dragonball Z, bullet-hell Shumps or just Beat 'em Up games in general, you owe it to yourself to buy this game, or at least try out the demo on the game's website. I can't wait to see how this game will expand in the future, possibly with game modes, characters and the promise of netplay co-op.
This game is easily the best $10 I've spent all year.
I saw this game being posted on a certain message board the other day, and decided to watch the release trailer for it. I was instantly blown away by how crazy it looked, and so I decided to give the demo version a try.
After one small session with the game's demo, I instantly fell in love with it and bought a copy. Aces Wild is the result of what happens when you mix Dragonball Z, Battletoads and any bullet-hell Shump you can think of. The gameplay is easy to learn, hard to master, is fast-paced as hell and will make your hands screams in agony, but you'll enjoy every second of it. Unlike most beat 'em ups, Aces Wild is more vertical and has a very free-form battle system where you can dash all over the screen, knock and juggle enemies into the air, perform two different kinds of counter attacks to negate all sorts of damage and other gameplay elements that make the game highly unique and entertaining. It also has a risk vs. reward system where defeating enemies while taking minimal hits will increase your damage rank and score multiplier, but as your rank increases, so the the amount of damage you take from enemies but you also take more damage, so you need to stay on your toes whenever you're playing well.
In the later levels, the game really gets intense when you have to pay close attention to your positioning on the screen, as enemies will spring traps and limit your area of movement. Not to mention that enemies can also perform the same moves that you as a player are capable of, including counters, dodges and dashes. This game will have no problem handing your ass back to you on a silver platter and you may get frustrated a bit, but it's a great feeling when you really start to pick up on enemy attack patterns and nail that final blow on an enemy which sends them flying halfway across the planet.
If you're a fan of Dragonball Z, bullet-hell Shumps or just Beat 'em Up games in general, you owe it to yourself to buy this game, or at least try out the demo on the game's website. I can't wait to see how this game will expand in the future, possibly with game modes, characters and the promise of netplay co-op.
This game is easily the best $10 I've spent all year.
Aces Wild,
Beat 'Em Up,
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Rigde Racer: Driftopia - Impressions
Namco Bandai,
Ridge Racer: Driftopia
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
ChronoBlade - Beta Review
Facebook gaming is about to get a little brutal with this recent title created by developer and publisher group “nWay”. ChronoBlade is a 2.5D multiplayer online beat ‘em up that features fast-paced, arcade style action, mixed with multiplayer co-op mayhem, all made possible through the power of Adobe Flash 3D.
Now multiplayer beat ‘em ups are very rare in this day and age, and even rarer are the ones that can be played online. With the recent departure of Nexon’s Dungeon Fighter Online for North America, the itch of combo heavy combat started to linger on me. With a quick glance at what ChronoBlade had to offer, I was hoping it could scratch that itch.
Now multiplayer beat ‘em ups are very rare in this day and age, and even rarer are the ones that can be played online. With the recent departure of Nexon’s Dungeon Fighter Online for North America, the itch of combo heavy combat started to linger on me. With a quick glance at what ChronoBlade had to offer, I was hoping it could scratch that itch.
Beat 'Em Up,
Onigiri - Alpha Test Impressions
From the land of the rising sun comes a brand new F2P title that’s all about the land of the rising sun. Onigiri is an ancient Japanese themed MMORPG where players can battle against creatures based on Japanese myth and folklore, all while pulling in a diverse cast of characters to partner up with.
Recently, CyberStep hosted an alpha test that was solely focused on testing out the game’s party mode and latency issues. With only a few days to give the game a try, I jumped in on it from day one.
Recently, CyberStep hosted an alpha test that was solely focused on testing out the game’s party mode and latency issues. With only a few days to give the game a try, I jumped in on it from day one.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Just a thought - Too many MOBAs?
Okay, so I can't be the only one that's feels this way, but is anyone starting to think this MOBA trend is starting to get a LITTLE bit out of hand? Month after month, the market is just getting flooded with more and more MOBA titles, even more than the whole World of Warcraft and Call of Duty trends.
With the success of League of Legends, and to a slightly lesser extent, DOTA 2, so many developers and publishers are blindly trying to cash in on their success, and chances are that they will fail miserably, but that's not going to stop them from trying, of course.
I mean, just the other week, Deep Sliver announced that they'll be making a Dead Island MOBA... I mean, just who in the hell was clamoring for a MOBA title based on Dead Island, the most over-hyped zombie action title of 2011?
And if that wasn't already a terrible enough idea for a MOBA title, just recently I saw THIS while I was poking around Cinderboy's blog the other day...
A King of Fighters MOBA? They're about to take a legendary 2-D fighting game series, and turn THAT into a MOBA? I can't even wrap my head around this concept. There's even some gameplay footage available and I still can't wrap my head around it.
Just like with all the publishers and developers that followed the WoW-like MMO trend and the CoD-like Military FPS trend: Unless you're working on the real deal, you're NEVER going to reach even one-third of its success. I also usually don't believe that new video games need to reinvent the wheel in order to be fun, but in this case, it should, otherwise why bother?
Also: In all honesty, the MOBA genre doesn't seem like a genre that could ever truly evolve, since they're already an evolution, or rather a de-evolution of the RTS genre, and a whole lot of them are pretty "same-y" in terms of core gameplay. Sure, there's some subtle differences in mechanics for some of them, but overall, they all share the same elements: Control one unit, only have up to four abilities to use, and spend the whole match running and/or fleeing from enemies with PvP confrontations only lasting for a few seconds.
This post of mine is clearly just a rant, and it's not like I have anything deep or thought provoking to say on this matter, but it's getting to a point where these trends are less of being trends more like plagues against humanity. Simply put: This shit needs to stop.
With the success of League of Legends, and to a slightly lesser extent, DOTA 2, so many developers and publishers are blindly trying to cash in on their success, and chances are that they will fail miserably, but that's not going to stop them from trying, of course.
I mean, just the other week, Deep Sliver announced that they'll be making a Dead Island MOBA... I mean, just who in the hell was clamoring for a MOBA title based on Dead Island, the most over-hyped zombie action title of 2011?
And if that wasn't already a terrible enough idea for a MOBA title, just recently I saw THIS while I was poking around Cinderboy's blog the other day...
A King of Fighters MOBA? They're about to take a legendary 2-D fighting game series, and turn THAT into a MOBA? I can't even wrap my head around this concept. There's even some gameplay footage available and I still can't wrap my head around it.
- You're never going to capture the success of World of Warcraft, because the audience you're after is too busy playing World of Warcraft.
- You're never going to capture the success of Call of Duty, because the audience you're after is too busy playing Call of Duty.
- You're never going to capture the success of League of Legends, because the audience you're after is too busy playing League of Legends.
- And so on.
Also: In all honesty, the MOBA genre doesn't seem like a genre that could ever truly evolve, since they're already an evolution, or rather a de-evolution of the RTS genre, and a whole lot of them are pretty "same-y" in terms of core gameplay. Sure, there's some subtle differences in mechanics for some of them, but overall, they all share the same elements: Control one unit, only have up to four abilities to use, and spend the whole match running and/or fleeing from enemies with PvP confrontations only lasting for a few seconds.
This post of mine is clearly just a rant, and it's not like I have anything deep or thought provoking to say on this matter, but it's getting to a point where these trends are less of being trends more like plagues against humanity. Simply put: This shit needs to stop.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
TERA: Rising – Alliance Update Interview
Just a few days ago, En Masse Entertainment has released their biggest update for TERA: Rising yet. Known as the “Alliance” update, TERA players can now participate in faction-based PvPvE scenarios in order to gain power, fame and a new mysterious crystal energy known as “noctenium”. The new alliance system also introduces new PvP gear, new jewelry and plenty more.
While the update has been met with much praise, it has also been met with many concerns from the community. With that in mind, I felt it would be best to get some of their questions answered regarding this new update.
TERA: Rising
Friday, August 16, 2013
Ballistic - Beta Impressions
Oh boy, it’s time for yet another military FPS game! Aren't
you excited, kids?! I sure am, as we certainly do not have enough of these in
the market today. But wait a second…
This isn't just any military FPS game. It’s a military FPS game that you can play… in your internet browser?!
This isn't just any military FPS game. It’s a military FPS game that you can play… in your internet browser?!
Okay, so sarcasm aside, a development group named Rumble
Entertainment is prompting their newest browser-based title on Facebook called “Ballistic”,
and its set to make FPS action quick and accessible for anyone with a modern
PC. Sounds interesting enough, but browser-based FPS shooters have already been
done before, so how much is this game really bringing to the table?
Rumble Entertainment
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Just an update - 8/14/2013
So here I am, procrastinating on work, as usual! But I still have a bit of time on my hands to post an update on my current personal status and my upcoming projects for OnRPG. One thing I'd like to talk (or rant) about is the newest update for TERA: Rising which is the Alliance system. I've been looking forward to this new system for years, as I had many different plans in mind for it, including an RP-PvP based guild. Sadly, my plans fell through the roof due to many different reasons. The most prominent reason was the lack of interest from the community overall, as I was looking for a very specific kind of player to join my guild. Sadly, I wasn't able to rope in enough qualified members, so I decided to put my plans to rest and instead just focus on enjoying the Alliance update on my own.
The update finally came out on Tuesday the 13th (yesterday). I was kind of excited to give it a go.
I gave it a try and got a big surprise: It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.
Alliance PvP is basically TERA's version of "World vs. World vs. World" mode" from Guild Wars 2, but it's nowhere near as engaging, since participating in Alliance PvE is just more of the same crap were used to: Kill the same rehashed BAMs, gather the same resource nodes, fight the same trash mobs, etc. What irks me the most about Alliance PvE is that it's the most effective way to earn contribution points. Which is silly, because I thought this was supposed to be a PvP focused update.
Oh, but there is PvP in there, no doubt. And it IS generally enjoyable when players are spread out all across the alliance maps, however, when attacking and defending alliance bases, it turns into "Fraywind Canyon 2: Electric Boogaloo" except now with twice the lag and three times the zerging. It also doesn't help that alliances are heavily unbalanced right now due to the amount of players in each faction, and there's no sign that the community will even things out, as all of the PvP tryhards have piled into Kaiator, the mass PvE guilds in Allemanthia, and everyone else in Velika (including me). Velika stands no chance against the other two alliances due to their sheer numbers, and there's absolutely no incentive for players to even think about joining a weaker faction, so Velika is going to be nothing but a punching bag for weeks or even months to come. And I'm not alone in this, either. If you check on the official forums, many people are speaking up over it, and the story is the same on almost every server, including Mount Tryanus, Ascension Valley, Tempest Reach and Celestial Hills. Here's a link to just one of the major topics on the subject of player imbalances:
All alliances not being able to have a fighting chance is going to end in disaster. As soon as either Kaiator or Allemantheia gets a foothold on the other faction, and Velika not being able to keep the other two factions on their toes, only one faction will forever stay on top. In fact: This is exactly what happened to Alliances in K-TERA, where everyone is just piled into one whole faction while the other two rot. At that point, one would simply ask: "Why bother having a faction system in the first place" if things are going to be THIS imbalanced?
'll try and stay optimistic, hoping that the community will sort things out by the end of the week, but so far, I'm doubting it.
Update: I recently got approved to do an interview with EME regarding the Alliance update. I already have a few questions prepared, but I'm trying to get a few community focused questions available, such as their concerns on the player imbalance and spawn camping. I started a thread on the official forums, with which players can leave a question and decide which questions should be answered the most.
The update finally came out on Tuesday the 13th (yesterday). I was kind of excited to give it a go.
I gave it a try and got a big surprise: It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.
Alliance PvP is basically TERA's version of "World vs. World vs. World" mode" from Guild Wars 2, but it's nowhere near as engaging, since participating in Alliance PvE is just more of the same crap were used to: Kill the same rehashed BAMs, gather the same resource nodes, fight the same trash mobs, etc. What irks me the most about Alliance PvE is that it's the most effective way to earn contribution points. Which is silly, because I thought this was supposed to be a PvP focused update.
Oh, but there is PvP in there, no doubt. And it IS generally enjoyable when players are spread out all across the alliance maps, however, when attacking and defending alliance bases, it turns into "Fraywind Canyon 2: Electric Boogaloo" except now with twice the lag and three times the zerging. It also doesn't help that alliances are heavily unbalanced right now due to the amount of players in each faction, and there's no sign that the community will even things out, as all of the PvP tryhards have piled into Kaiator, the mass PvE guilds in Allemanthia, and everyone else in Velika (including me). Velika stands no chance against the other two alliances due to their sheer numbers, and there's absolutely no incentive for players to even think about joining a weaker faction, so Velika is going to be nothing but a punching bag for weeks or even months to come. And I'm not alone in this, either. If you check on the official forums, many people are speaking up over it, and the story is the same on almost every server, including Mount Tryanus, Ascension Valley, Tempest Reach and Celestial Hills. Here's a link to just one of the major topics on the subject of player imbalances:
All alliances not being able to have a fighting chance is going to end in disaster. As soon as either Kaiator or Allemantheia gets a foothold on the other faction, and Velika not being able to keep the other two factions on their toes, only one faction will forever stay on top. In fact: This is exactly what happened to Alliances in K-TERA, where everyone is just piled into one whole faction while the other two rot. At that point, one would simply ask: "Why bother having a faction system in the first place" if things are going to be THIS imbalanced?
'll try and stay optimistic, hoping that the community will sort things out by the end of the week, but so far, I'm doubting it.
Update: I recently got approved to do an interview with EME regarding the Alliance update. I already have a few questions prepared, but I'm trying to get a few community focused questions available, such as their concerns on the player imbalance and spawn camping. I started a thread on the official forums, with which players can leave a question and decide which questions should be answered the most.
TERA: Rising,
Monday, August 5, 2013
Just a thought - EverQuest Next
Hello again, random browsers and all five of you rabid followers. Today's a new day for some talk about the MMO industry. I've been pretty giddy all of last week since Sony Online Entertainment revealed details on their upcoming sandbox MMORPG: EverQuest Next, which is set to be (pre-)released by the end of this year. First off, I was instantly taken in by the new visual style of the game, which had a much more cartoon look to it. This is excellent because in all honesty, I really can't stand the "realistic" style that almost every single western fantasy MMORPG goes with these days. With a more cartoon style, the game comes off with a more lively tone. It certainly worked for Wildstar by Carbine Studios, because along with that game, Everquest Next is the second western MMORPG I've ever been interested in play. And personally, I can't wait to play as a Kerran, a lion race that looks suspiciously like Chester Cheetah...
...Umm... yeah.
Oh, and the gameplay features sound pretty cool, too. The whole "world destruction based on voxels" thing is a bit iffy to me, however, because if the entire world can be destroyed, then what's going to keep players from leveling out the world as soon as the servers open up? Because if there's two things that a good handful of gamers love to do in an online game, it's grieving and destroying.
On the OTHER hand, however, while I was discussing EverQuest Next with a few random people, an anonymous user brought up a very interesting possibility with the game's world destruction: With the entire world decimated by the players, no longer will EverQuest Next be about exploring a vast open world, but instead the game will be about surviving in the ruins of a vast open world, which sounded pretty freaking awesome to me. But still, would SOE even allow such events to unfold in their game? I mean sure, it IS supposed to be a sandbox MMO, after all, but the developers still have a general vision in their mind for how the game world should play out, especially with all those AI features they're bringing along, which I'm not so sure would work well with messed up, player made terrain. But who knows? I don't.
As mentioned before, EverQuest Next is being pre-released by the end of the year with the upcoming Landmark creation tools, where players will be able to create their own towns, dungeons and more, just as long as they appropriately fit the environments setting, and most of everything that will get to stay in the final version will be by SOE's discretion, so sadly there will be no dick castles to service as monuments for the glorious nation of Dickstonia. One thing I'd like to mention is that there's some buzz here and there about the whole Landmark problem, where some people suggest the whole process is in place so that SOE doesn't have to waste time making the world of EverQuest Next themselves. "We're too lazy to make the world, so make it for us!" Personally, I think this is actually a grand idea. Judging by Landmark creation tool footage, it will be very similar to how creation works in Minecraft, where players can assemble their creations block by block. However, unlike Minecraft, players will be able to shape and curve out their blocks into any shape. So yes, you'll be able to make dick statues that ACTUALLY look like dicks!
Ok... So dick jokes aside, though, with the players being able to create highly detailed environments, along with the possibly of garnering the more creative bunch of the Minecraft community, mixed in with veteran EverQuest players to give players guidance on how the world of EverQuest should look, I'm certain that the world of EverQuest Next will be shaped into something that will resonate with worlds of old EverQuest 1 & 2. Plus, I'm fairly sure that SOE has their plenty of their own environments that will appear in the final game, so not everything will have to be created by the players.
Overall, EverQuest Next is looking might spiffy. I didn't feel like talking about the combat in this blog post, but it looks like it will be similar to combat in Guild Wars 2 or Wildstar. There wasn't a lot of footage of the combat for me to make a decent analysis, but I liked what I say so far.
For more info on EverQuest Next, you can check out some posts over at Cinderboy's blog:
...Umm... yeah.
Oh, and the gameplay features sound pretty cool, too. The whole "world destruction based on voxels" thing is a bit iffy to me, however, because if the entire world can be destroyed, then what's going to keep players from leveling out the world as soon as the servers open up? Because if there's two things that a good handful of gamers love to do in an online game, it's grieving and destroying.
On the OTHER hand, however, while I was discussing EverQuest Next with a few random people, an anonymous user brought up a very interesting possibility with the game's world destruction: With the entire world decimated by the players, no longer will EverQuest Next be about exploring a vast open world, but instead the game will be about surviving in the ruins of a vast open world, which sounded pretty freaking awesome to me. But still, would SOE even allow such events to unfold in their game? I mean sure, it IS supposed to be a sandbox MMO, after all, but the developers still have a general vision in their mind for how the game world should play out, especially with all those AI features they're bringing along, which I'm not so sure would work well with messed up, player made terrain. But who knows? I don't.
As mentioned before, EverQuest Next is being pre-released by the end of the year with the upcoming Landmark creation tools, where players will be able to create their own towns, dungeons and more, just as long as they appropriately fit the environments setting, and most of everything that will get to stay in the final version will be by SOE's discretion, so sadly there will be no dick castles to service as monuments for the glorious nation of Dickstonia. One thing I'd like to mention is that there's some buzz here and there about the whole Landmark problem, where some people suggest the whole process is in place so that SOE doesn't have to waste time making the world of EverQuest Next themselves. "We're too lazy to make the world, so make it for us!" Personally, I think this is actually a grand idea. Judging by Landmark creation tool footage, it will be very similar to how creation works in Minecraft, where players can assemble their creations block by block. However, unlike Minecraft, players will be able to shape and curve out their blocks into any shape. So yes, you'll be able to make dick statues that ACTUALLY look like dicks!
Ok... So dick jokes aside, though, with the players being able to create highly detailed environments, along with the possibly of garnering the more creative bunch of the Minecraft community, mixed in with veteran EverQuest players to give players guidance on how the world of EverQuest should look, I'm certain that the world of EverQuest Next will be shaped into something that will resonate with worlds of old EverQuest 1 & 2. Plus, I'm fairly sure that SOE has their plenty of their own environments that will appear in the final game, so not everything will have to be created by the players.
Overall, EverQuest Next is looking might spiffy. I didn't feel like talking about the combat in this blog post, but it looks like it will be similar to combat in Guild Wars 2 or Wildstar. There wasn't a lot of footage of the combat for me to make a decent analysis, but I liked what I say so far.
For more info on EverQuest Next, you can check out some posts over at Cinderboy's blog:
EverQuest Next,
Sony Online Entertainment,
Monday, July 15, 2013
Soldier Front 2 - Interview
It’s time to return to the front… The soldier front, that is.
Released back in 2004 and 2006, Korean game developer ‘Dragonfly’ released a military style FPS title called “Soldier Front” (which is better known as “Special Force” in eastern territories). While the game strikes much resemblance to another popular military shooter at the time (Valve’s “Counter-Strike”), it contained unique features including character customization, unique weapons and more. Years later, they released a highly anticipated sequel for South Korea in 2011. Using Unreal Engine 3 technology, the game boasted impressive graphics, high quality audio and faster paced gameplay over its predecessor.
Now in 2013, Aeria Games is hosting an English version of Soldier Front 2, which has now gone into closed beta. While the game may be a huge leap forward from the original, a lot has changed within those years, with the gaming market now knee deep in military-style FPS titles. Does Soldier Front 2 have something that will make it stand out from the pack? I sought out the lead producer of the game to find out more.
Aeria Games,
Soldier Front 2
Soldier Front 2 - First Look
Another year, another military FPS title hits the F2P market
this week. But this is not just any military FPS… it’s a sequel to Dragonfly’s
2007 title: Solider Front! Now being backed by the ever popular Unreal 3
Engine, Solider Front 2 is looking to take everything you know about military
shooters of the past and turn them on their sides.
Of course, with so many shooters already on the market, most
of which play virtually the same from each, my initial reaction was “Do we
REALLY need ANOTHER one?!”
After a two-day long preview event with some of the game
masters, my final reaction was complete and total: “Sure, why not.”
Aeria Games,
Soldier Front 2
MMO News Week - July 15th, 2013
Back on the news for the week! The features for OnRPG were pretty slim, but the news for upcoming games have been red hot, including End of Nations becoming an MOBA RTS and Age of Wushu recieving its first expansion.
Monday, July 1, 2013
TERA: Rising - Corsairs' Stronghold Demo
Hey everyone. Just quick one for the week: I was very reclutant to post footage of this new update for TERA: Rising because of an NDA agreement that was told to me by a PR manager for En Masse, but I then found out that there was no NDA at all, and then En Masse decided to release the new update a day before its intended release. Kinda bums me out a little that most other sites got their previews up before I even had a clue... Blah.
But anyway, the new 20 vs. 20 mode for TERA: Rising is out now, and it's a pretty sweet take on the 15 vs 15 " Zergrounds, except with all the lag issues that it comes with. With my time spent playing, it was fun, but if you had lag issues before in regular battlegrounds, your PC is going to cringe even more.
Anyway, check out the video for my experience with the new mode:
But anyway, the new 20 vs. 20 mode for TERA: Rising is out now, and it's a pretty sweet take on the 15 vs 15 " Zergrounds, except with all the lag issues that it comes with. With my time spent playing, it was fun, but if you had lag issues before in regular battlegrounds, your PC is going to cringe even more.
Anyway, check out the video for my experience with the new mode:
En Masse,
TERA: Rising
Monday, June 24, 2013
Just an update - 6/24/2013
Here's my monday-ish update for you all. I ended up missing last week's update because I fell pray to some unforeseen circumstances. Last Wednesday, while I was taking my dog for a walk, the neighbor's dog (which was a German Boxer) got out from the neighbor's backyard and attacked my dog, most likely for territorial reasons. I was incredibly worried for my own dog, a small Jack Russel/Beagle, but instead of calling for help, I decided to try and pick up my dog and run back to my house, which was NOT a good idea at all. I ended up getting bitten in the face by the German boxer while it was still trying to attack my dog. My nose got mangled up the most, and I received several cuts on the right side of my face, as well.
I wound up in the hospital a few minutes later and got at least up to seven stitches placed. Having to deal with the pain and itching was quite taxing on my work for a couple of days, but things are healing up nicely and I should have the stitches removed real soon. My dog, on the other hand is doing much better than me. He got a couple of bites on his muzzle and leg, but he just shrugged the whole thing off and healed up much faster than me.
Other than my injuries, I'm back in TERA for a little bit. While I managed to take a nice break from it, I'm returning to handle some business in-game this week. What kind of business? Well, preview business is what. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to disclose before the release of a certain upcoming update, but I'm sure whatever I get to check out will not be too mind-blowing, since the game is just getting bits and pieces of what the Korean version already has.
I wound up in the hospital a few minutes later and got at least up to seven stitches placed. Having to deal with the pain and itching was quite taxing on my work for a couple of days, but things are healing up nicely and I should have the stitches removed real soon. My dog, on the other hand is doing much better than me. He got a couple of bites on his muzzle and leg, but he just shrugged the whole thing off and healed up much faster than me.
Other than my injuries, I'm back in TERA for a little bit. While I managed to take a nice break from it, I'm returning to handle some business in-game this week. What kind of business? Well, preview business is what. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to disclose before the release of a certain upcoming update, but I'm sure whatever I get to check out will not be too mind-blowing, since the game is just getting bits and pieces of what the Korean version already has.
Monday, June 10, 2013
ArcheBlade, Early Access Review
With the MOBA genre becoming more and more popular every day, some game developers have attempted to stir the genre up by throwing in a handful of unique ideas. While some of those ideas have worked much better than expected, other titles, such as ArcheBlade, have shown that mixing MOBA with third-person action only sounds like a good idea on paper.
As the developer group behind the game: Codebrush Games, they state that ArcheBlade is an action game that attempts to capture the thrill of skill-based combat found in fighting games like Street Fighter and Tekken, while combining team oriented gameplay found in MOBA titles such as League of Legends. A neat idea, for sure, but the execution falls short.
As the developer group behind the game: Codebrush Games, they state that ArcheBlade is an action game that attempts to capture the thrill of skill-based combat found in fighting games like Street Fighter and Tekken, while combining team oriented gameplay found in MOBA titles such as League of Legends. A neat idea, for sure, but the execution falls short.
CodeBrush Games,
MMO News Week - June 10th, 2013
I'm back for REAL this time! Well, I've just been distracted a lot this week, what with E3 at our footsteps and getting back into working for OnRPG. But I managed to get another news recap finished and ready to go, along with previews on AeriaGames' upcoming Solider Front 2, and an early access review on ArcheBlade by CodeBrush Games.
It's an exciting week as E3 is here, and I took a moment to talk about three of my most anticipated games for the week. Check it out!
It's an exciting week as E3 is here, and I took a moment to talk about three of my most anticipated games for the week. Check it out!
Monday, May 27, 2013
MMO News Week - May 27, 2013
I'm here again to help make your Mondays a little less crappy! A lot has happened over the week, and things are really heating up for OnRPG and in the MMO industry in general. With that in mind: so much as happened over the week, with plenty of new Kickstater projects, beta updates and more.week.
The biggest scoops this week include my upcoming Warface article, RIFT's F2P transition and WarFrame's 8.0 update.
The biggest scoops this week include my upcoming Warface article, RIFT's F2P transition and WarFrame's 8.0 update.
I'm back!
Finally, after months of slugging my way through college, I have finished and earned my Bachelor's Degree. I'm finally ready to suffer in the real world! Hurrah!
But in all seriousness, I'm glad to be finished with college (I really do not wish to go for any Master's Degree), so now I can focus on doing what I love for awhile. I'll uploading more blog posts from time to time, and will be doing news recaps and articles for OnRPG once more, and starting today! I have my news recap for OnRPG up and ready to go, and my impressions article on Warface's closed beta.
Meanwhile, I'll be looking for second job to help pay the bills and my ridiculous college loans, and soon I play to take some time to learn Korean, as I wish to help OnRPG with foreign gaming news. I see sites like Steparu and MMOCulture making so much traffic on these kinds of articles and I figured it would be awesome to bring it to a more open audience.
That's pretty much it for now. I'm happy to be back. Oh, and I'm closing in on 100,000 hits!
But in all seriousness, I'm glad to be finished with college (I really do not wish to go for any Master's Degree), so now I can focus on doing what I love for awhile. I'll uploading more blog posts from time to time, and will be doing news recaps and articles for OnRPG once more, and starting today! I have my news recap for OnRPG up and ready to go, and my impressions article on Warface's closed beta.
Meanwhile, I'll be looking for second job to help pay the bills and my ridiculous college loans, and soon I play to take some time to learn Korean, as I wish to help OnRPG with foreign gaming news. I see sites like Steparu and MMOCulture making so much traffic on these kinds of articles and I figured it would be awesome to bring it to a more open audience.
That's pretty much it for now. I'm happy to be back. Oh, and I'm closing in on 100,000 hits!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
PAX East 2013 - Recap
Whoops! I've just been so busy with my last semester at college that I haven't had a lot of time to spend on my blog anymore these days. I only have one more month to go, and then I'll have plenty more time to spend posting updates, reviews and so much more!
Anyway... This month I did re-cap for OnRPG regarding their trip to Boston for PAX East 2013. Funny thing is that me and my brother went up to Boston a weekend BEFORE PAX East started. If we had taken the time to plan things out, we would have totally stuck around for PAX East. Oh well...
Anyway... This month I did re-cap for OnRPG regarding their trip to Boston for PAX East 2013. Funny thing is that me and my brother went up to Boston a weekend BEFORE PAX East started. If we had taken the time to plan things out, we would have totally stuck around for PAX East. Oh well...
Monday, March 11, 2013
MMO News Week - March 11th, 2013
Another news week for Monday! I'm currently on Spring Break (even though it's still kinda freezing outside), and so I had plenty of free time on hand for this one.
I want to say that I’m sorry for not getting these news recaps out on a regular basis like I promised, mostly because I’ve just been having a lot of my time occupied by school and what not, but I assure you all that pretty soon I’ll be able to get these videos out more often so you all can start your weeks off with fresh news of all things happening in the MMO gaming world.
I want to say that I’m sorry for not getting these news recaps out on a regular basis like I promised, mostly because I’ve just been having a lot of my time occupied by school and what not, but I assure you all that pretty soon I’ll be able to get these videos out more often so you all can start your weeks off with fresh news of all things happening in the MMO gaming world.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
TERA: Rising - Review
It’s always been in the minds of gamers for years regarding whether it would be possible to create an MMORPG with satisfying combat similar to hack n’ slash action games. Titles such as Phantasy Star Online, Vindictus, Monster Hunter and many others have dabbled with this concept, but have always had a single flaw: Combat that was locked away in room-based instances and had restricted player limits.
Now the dream of a hack & slash MMORPG was realized with the release of TERA (The Exiled Realm of Aborea.) Recently, the game has gone through some hefty changes, with the most notable change being the transition from a P2P to a F2P business model. Bluehole Studios, En Masse Entertainment and Gameforge have made some bold claims with TERA’s gameplay, such as “True skilled based combat” and “Victory is determined by skill, not levels or gear.”, as if the game was made for action gamers in mind, rather than typical MMORPG players.
Just how true are these claims? Is TERA a true hack & slash MMO? After eight months of playtime, I can answer this question by saying:
“Yes and no.”
Now the dream of a hack & slash MMORPG was realized with the release of TERA (The Exiled Realm of Aborea.) Recently, the game has gone through some hefty changes, with the most notable change being the transition from a P2P to a F2P business model. Bluehole Studios, En Masse Entertainment and Gameforge have made some bold claims with TERA’s gameplay, such as “True skilled based combat” and “Victory is determined by skill, not levels or gear.”, as if the game was made for action gamers in mind, rather than typical MMORPG players.
Just how true are these claims? Is TERA a true hack & slash MMO? After eight months of playtime, I can answer this question by saying:
“Yes and no.”
En Masse,
TERA: Rising
Friday, February 15, 2013
MMO News Week - 2/11/2013
Hello random people. Yes, I am still alive. Most busy with college work, as usual, but at the very least I still have time to do MMO news videos for OnRPG.
Also working on a second look review for TERA: Rising which I hope to have done by tomorrow. It's probably the most extensive review I've ever done on any game ever, so look forward to it... (or not!)
Also working on a second look review for TERA: Rising which I hope to have done by tomorrow. It's probably the most extensive review I've ever done on any game ever, so look forward to it... (or not!)
Saturday, January 19, 2013
MMO News Week - 1/19/2013
Well I'm starting to get back into the swing of things in terms of news recaps for OnRPG. Hopefully I'll be able to continue recapping on a bi-weekly schedule just to keep up with what's happening in the industry.
This week: I re-cap OnRPG/MMOHut's 2012 awards and 2013 predictions, TERA (NA) transition into F2P, a review for Age of Wushu and more.
This week: I re-cap OnRPG/MMOHut's 2012 awards and 2013 predictions, TERA (NA) transition into F2P, a review for Age of Wushu and more.
Warframe - CBT Impressions
A unique F2P
title is coming at us this year, and its being brought by some long running
pros in the industry. Digital Extremes, developers by behind the original
“Unreal” series is now working on a new third person shooter called ‘Warframe’.
In this game, you play as ancient galaxy warriors called Tenno, which have been
re-awaked to take down several different factions that have been wreaking havoc
all over solar system. With katanas and alien firearms, you’ll invade several
enemy ships and complete several different objectives as quickly and/or as
silently as possible.
In simpler
terms: You’re a freaking space ninja and will do whatever a space ninja can to
save the day.
Digital Extremes,
Third Person Shooter,
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Arctic Combat - Review
With FPS
titles running very rampant in the F2P market, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult
to find a unique one that stands out for the rest. Many of these titles claim to
be unique in one form or fashion, but ultimately end up feeling like nothing
more than a rehash of titles that inspired them.
Take Artic
Combat (AC) by Webzen for example: On the outside: It looks a lot like a Call
of Duty: Modern Warfare clone with some slight tweaks, but on the inside:
…It’s a Call
of Duty: Modern Warfare clone with some slight tweaks. AC feels and plays like CoD:
MW and it certainly does not try to hide it.
I got to try AC out during some early closed beta impressions, and I was
surprised by how much the game kept a pacing similar to CoD: Modern Warfare
games while keeping the tactical tension of Counter-Strike, but with my
extended time playing in the Open Beta, the tactical tension started to wear
thin, and AC revealed itself to be nothing more than an another imitator,
rather than an innovator.
Arctic Combat,
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