I grew a bit tired of waiting around for some more gameplay videos of GunZ 2 to show up, so I decide to look for some myself. I searched around THISISGAME.com and found some live cam footage. It took me awhile to figure out how to download the video since there wasn't any direct links, but I got it anyway! Check it out:
As a quick breakdown of the video:
- All three character classes (Assassin, Fighter, Heavy) were playable.
- As with the original GunZ, players are free to dash as many times as they want, although the dash distance seems a bit shorter.
- Tumbling with ranged weapons is no longer possible as dashing is used for all weapons.
- The crosshair changes depending on what weapon you're using, including a shield icon whenever you're in a guard stance using a melee weapon.
- Wall running and wall climbing is now much easier to perform while giving players more freedom to move around.
- All character classes are capable of dashing, wall running, etc.
- In team battles, players are distinguishable by a small red/blue light underneath them.
- The gauge meter next to the HP and armor bar can be filled up by killing enemies or by collecting gauge bottles around the map.
- Earning an assist kill does not fill the gauge meter.
- Filling the gauge meter to max allows you to perform a "Kill move". The meter will turn red and slowly depletes itself, giving players roughly 20 seconds to perform a kill move on an enemy player.
- Kill moves can only be performed with a melee weapon.
- Your gauge meter will be depleted completely whether the attack connects with the enemy or not.
- Kill move animations CANNOT be interrupted.
- Seen from previous footage, it's possible that the gauge meter will be use for attacks other than single-hit kill moves.
- Melee weapons can once again be used to deflect enemy bullets
- Stun moves are still possible, but it is uncertain whether players will able to recover from stun attacks.
- Heavy types with shields can fill up a small amount of their gauge meter by successfully blocking enemy bullets.
- Guard stance can be broken from certain melee attacks and from deflecting too many bullets.
Well that's what I managed to pick out from the video. Still no sign of any sort of animation cancelling (K-style, D-style, etc.) but the gameplay looks just as chaotic and fast paced as it the original. If there's anything you've spotted worth mentioning, you should probably leave a comment or something.
Update 11/14/2011 - More gameplay from G-Star 2011 showed up. Gameplay in this video was primarily focused on the Assassin class.
- While using melee weapons, players can perform swipe attacks while side stepping
- All character classes can fill up their gauge meter by blocking bullets with their melee weapon
- Players emit a green gas whenever they've maxed up their gauge meter
- Players gain a yellow outline during respawns and kill moves to signify their invulnerability to enemy attacks
- Along with dashing, players can perform dodge and side steps on the ground while using ranged weapons.
Gameplay still looks sweet, but I have to say the player in the video seemed to be trying REALLY hard to perform K-style moves or some kind of variant. Is K-style going to be ditched completely in GunZ 2? Well there's no solid way of telling, but it sure is starting to look that way.